New Fellowship Launched for First Nations Women in Conservation and Stewardship
A new fellowship for First Nations women in conservation and stewardship has been announced by the Indigenous Leadership Initiative and Wildlife Conservation Society Canada. It recognizes the vital role First Nations women play in caring for lands and waters. And it aims to support them by enhancing their professional growth.
Groundbreaking Agreement Will Invest in Indigenous Leadership for Sustaining Lands, Cultures, and Economic Development across the NWT
NWT: Our Land for the Future will create transformative benefits on the ground for lands and waters, climate resilience, cultural revitalization, and local economies. It will be one of the largest Indigenous-led land conservation initiatives in the world..
Lynn Konwaia’tanón:we’s Jacobs Joins the Staff of the Indigenous Leadership Initiative
Lynn Konwaia’tanón:we’s Jacobs joins ILI as a Policy and Operations Advisor. She brings extensive experience in community land stewardship, as well as international work focused on biodiversity and plastic pollution.
Fire Expert Dr. Amy Cardinal Christianson Joins the Indigenous Leadership Initiative
The Indigenous Leadership Initiative welcomes Dr. Amy Cardinal Christianson as Policy Advisor. Christianson is a Métis woman from Treaty 8 territory and a research scientist with expertise in Indigenous fire stewardship, Indigenous wildland firefighters, wildlife evacuations, and Indigenous research methodology.
NWT Poll Shows Major Support for Northern Stewardship and Other Outcomes of the NWT PFP Initiative
The vast majority of Northwest Territories residents support the core aspects of the Northwest Territories Project Finance for Permanence initiative currently being developed, according to a new poll conducted within the NWT.
National Poll Finds Strong Public Support for Indigenous Guardians
A national poll shows that 3 out of 4 Canadians support Indigenous Guardians programs, and the vast majority view Guardians’ work as a cost-effective solution to the challenges of climate change, reconciliation, and nature conservation.
Major Milestone Reached in Indigenous-Led Initiative to Sustain Lands and Support Community Economic Development Across the NWT
Indigenous Governments, the Government of Canada, and the Government of the Northwest Territories, and private philanthropies announced a visionary framework agreement. The agreement outlines the expected outcomes of a major new initiative that will fund the protection of lands, support thriving cultures, and foster economic diversification across the Northwest Territories.
Marking A New Era for Indigenous Leadership & Decision Making in Conservation Movement
With this transition in leadership, the campaign is helping usher in a new era—one that ensures Indigenous Peoples are recognized and supported as the appropriate and natural leaders of conservation of their own homelands.
First-of-Its-Kind Network Led by First Nations Launches to Support Stewardship in Canada
The First Nations National Guardians Network reflects a new kind of partnership between Indigenous Nations and Canada—one that encourages us to come together on equal footing to care for lands, waters, plants, and animals.
Major Investment Will Support Indigenous Ambitions for Conservation & Stewardship
The Indigenous Leadership Initiative welcomes Canada’s commitment to supporting Indigenous Nations’ visions for caring for lands across regions. Investing in Indigenous-led conservation is the most effective way to sustain biodiversity and create transformative benefits for communities.
FAQ About the Indigenous Village at COP15
Learn more about the Indigenous Village that the Indigenous Leadership Initiative is hosting in the Green Zone of COP15 from December 9-11. Here are answers to frequently asked questions regarding the Village.
Indigenous Leadership Initiative to Host the Indigenous Village at COP15 December 9 – 11, 2022
From December 9-11, the Indigenous Leadership Initiative will host an Indigenous Village at COP15. The village will showcase the stewardship of Indigenous Peoples from the region, Canada, and around the world. And it will offer an Indigenized gathering space for Indigenous participants to COP15.
Inaugural Council Named to Lead the First Nations National Guardians Network
Council members will build a National Guardians Network that will help get more Guardians on the ground. It will create a more streamlined process for accessing Guardians funds. And it will provide an Indigenous-led approach to working with Crown governments and other funding partners.
Job Opening: Executive Director for First Nations National Guardians Network
The emerging First Nations National Guardians Network is looking to hire an Executive Director to help build the network and ensure it supports Guardians programs for years to come.
NWT a Candidate for Innovative New Approach to Sustaining Indigenous-led Conservation
Representatives from Indigenous, Territorial, and Federal Governments and private investors gathered in Yellowknife to begin exploring an innovative partnership to create long-term support for Indigenous-led conservation and sustainable growth in the Northwest Territories.
ILI Leaders Discuss Indigenous-led Conservation with HRH The Prince of Wales
It’s appropriate that His Royal Highness heard about Indigenous-led conservation in Ottawa and Yellowknife, because Indigenous Nations are helping address climate change and strengthen communities across Canada.
A Tribute to Elder Dave Courchene
Elder Dave Courchene was a gifted spiritual leader, orator, and knowledge keeper who served as a critical bridge between Indigenous place-based people and mainstream society. He spoke for those relatives that don't have a voice. He was a champion of Indigenous-led conservation, knowing Guardians are imperative for protecting the land, water, and air that sustain our very existence.
Indigenous Nations Key to Achieving Climate & Nature Goals of Throne Speech
“Indigenous Peoples are already at the forefront of sustaining biodiversity. Across the country, the biggest, most visionary plans for protecting lands are led by Indigenous Nations. Now Canada has the opportunity to catch up to and recognize our ambitions. By working together, we can protect healthy lands, make communities more resilient, and build a more equitable future.”
Indigenous Leadership Initiative & Royal Canadian Geographical Society Forge Innovative Partnership to Produce Series about Indigenous Guardians
This collaboration on a documentary series grows out of shared values and concerns. In the age of climate change and loss of biodiversity, both ILI and RCGS want to highlight Indigenous leadership in sustaining animals and plants, clean air and water, and healthy people and communities.
Canada Invests $340 Million in Indigenous-led Conservation and Stewardship
“This is the largest federal investment in Indigenous-led stewardship to date, and we welcome the Government of Canada’s commitment to partnering with Indigenous Nations on conservation and stewardship,” said Valérie Courtois, the Director of the Indigenous Leadership Initiative.