First Nations Women Transforming Conservation Fellowship

Applications due April 11, 2025

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First Nations women are at the forefront of conservation and stewardship. This fellowship aims to support leaders by expanding their professional experiences within the conservation movement.

Fellowship for Women

The Indigenous Leadership Initiative (ILI) and Wildlife Conservation Society Canada (WCS Canada) have come together to support women leaders by launching the First Nations Women Transforming Conservation Fellowship. 

The fellowship is designed to empower First Nations women to envision and build vibrant, resilient communities that reflect who we are—our ways of knowing, doing, and being. It will offer community and mentorship, and it will: 

  • Draw on the expertise of both ILI and WCS Canada, including advocacy, policy, and western scientific research. 

  • Be shaped around participants’ interests and strengths. 

  • Explore a range of concepts, from Indigenous-led conservation as an expression of Nationhood to the role of western and Indigenous science in conservation policy. 

  • Provide opportunities for fellows to learn more about public policy, government relations, research design, communications, land use planning, and other elements of advancing Indigenous-led conservation and stewardship. 

  • Offer experiential learning, from creating a video with the Land Needs Guardians’ storytellers project to participating in hide camp or on-the-land language programs. 

Caring for the Land

Indigenous women carry the knowledge and traditions that are central to our relationships with our lands and waters, safeguarding them for our people and future generations. Their leadership in renewing, mobilizing, and sharing Indigenous knowledge is pivotal to sustaining healthy lands and waters. 

Colonialism and paternalistic policies have restricted the spaces where women belong. This has led to conservation strategies that often overlook the leadership and knowledge of Indigenous women. The resilience of our lands and cultures is weakened as a result. 

Yet Indigenous women still step in as leaders in conservation and stewardship–both within and beyond our Nations. To continue to flourish, Indigenous women leaders need spaces where they can build relationships, find mentorship, and experience learning opportunities that align with their values. 

The Aunties Circle

Indigenous Peoples have always turned to trusted aunties to guide us. The fellowship draws on this same principle. We have convened an Aunties Circle of mostly Indigenous women with a breadth of experience in conservation and stewardship. 

These Aunties have been recognized as leaders within their communities and Nations, have a passion for our relationship and responsibility to lands and waters, and are committed to uplifting other women in their successes.  

The Aunties will meet regularly as a group to guide the initiative, and they will form collaborative relationships with the fellows to provide regular mentoring. 

The Legacy of Dr.Cheryl-Lesley Chetkiewicz

The fellowship celebrates the legacy of Dr. Cheryl-Lesley Chetkiewicz, WCS Canada’s Director of Indigenous Communities and Conservation.

Throughout her career, Cheryl worked to foster greater collaboration between conservation scientists and Indigenous communities. She was a biologist who practiced science with rigour and integrity, and an advocate who uplifted Indigenous leaders and ways of knowing and doing.

Cheryl dreamed of creating more opportunities to support Indigenous women in conservation. Her insight, leadership, and empathy have served as a guide in the design of this initiative. 

Interested in Applying?

Applications are due on April 11, 2025

The program will host two fellows. Fellows will receive a stipend for one year and eligible expenses for related travel. 

In its pilot year, the fellowship will focus on First Nations applicants. Going forward, we will explore the potential expansion of the fellowship to include all Indigenous women in Canada. This initial round is open to First Nations women

The First Nations Women Transforming Conservation Fellowship is open to:

  • First Nations persons who identify as women.

  • Citizensof what is now known as Canada.

  • Self-motivated women able to work independently with minimal supervision.

  • Committed to Indigenous-led conservation and actively engaged in stewardship work.

  • Rooted in community and invested in supporting its environmental and cultural well-being.

  • Can communicate proficiently in the English language.


    • First Nations persons who identify as women.

    • Citizens of what is now known as Canada.

    • Rooted in their community and invested in supporting its environmental and cultural well-being.

    • Committed to Indigenous-led conservation and actively engaged in stewardship work.

    • Self-motivated and able to work independently.

    • Proficient communicators in the English language.

  • The Indigenous Leadership Initiative, Wildlife Conservation Society Canada, and the Aunties Circle will identify a set of core elements to explore, including: 

    • Understanding Nationhood and how Indigenous-led conservation and stewardship are expressions of that Nationhood

    • How to support Indigenous-led conservation and Indigenous-NGO allyship

    • The role of science in conservation

    • Government relations

    • Conservation and climate public policy

    • Philanthropic relations

    • Land relationship planning

    • And other aspects of taking care of lands and waters. 

    The fellowship will also be guided by the selected fellows’ specific priorities, interests, and needs. 

  • Fellows will receive:

    • A stipend from an organization based on reserve, as well as coverage for work-related travel and eligible expenses

    • Mentorship from Indigenous women leaders and their allies in conservation, stewardship, education, politics, or community advocacy. 

    • Opportunities for training, networking, and community-building.

  • Fellows will receive a stipend, via a contract from an organization based on reserve, and also have eligible expenses for work-related travel covered.

  • Participants will be expected to work approximately 15 days a month, with room for flexibility. 

  • Fellows will work remotely, with occasional travel for meetings and gatherings. 

  • Indigenous women carry the knowledge and traditions that are central to our relationships with our lands and waters, safeguarding them for our people and future generations. 

    Colonialism and paternalistic policies have restricted the spaces where women belong. This has led to conservation strategies that often overlook the leadership and knowledge of Indigenous women. 

    To continue to flourish, Indigenous women leaders need spaces where they can build relationships, find mentorship, and experience learning opportunities that align with their values. This fellowship is designed to offer those supports and resources. 

  • In its pilot year, the fellowship will focus on First Nations applicants. Going forward, we will explore the potential expansion to include all Indigenous women in Canada. 

  • The Aunties Circle and ILI and WCS Canada leaders will make the selection based on a set of criteria. Shortlisted candidates will be invited to participate in interviews and asked to provide community testimonials from an Elder, leader, or mentor. 

  • We hope to select the two inaugural fellows in May and announce them publicly at the First Nations National Guardians Gathering taking place in Victoria June 10-12, 2025.

Have Questions?

Send us an email and we’ll be in touch.

We are thrilled to launch this fellowship, and to sustain it beyond the pilot year, we welcome your support. Your donation will help empower Indigenous women leaders in conservation for years to come.